Class Schedule - Austin Uptown Dance
Austin Uptown Dance
Uptown Summer 2019 - Social Dancing-72.jpg

Group class schedule


Group Class Schedule

Our 4 week progressive session starts on the first Monday of each month. We advise starting the first or second week of the session. No partner required.

Here are some guidelines for attending classes in person:

Reserve your class spot by signing in to the class through MINDBODY.

Please wash or sanitize your hands before and after class.

We advised the teachers to ask for a show of hands as to whether or not attendees are comfortable rotating or not. If you are not comfortable rotating, please help guide those who are on to the next person. 

We are committed to providing a safe and sanitary dance environment!


6:15 West Coast Swing 1

7:00 West Coast Swing 3

7:45 West Coast Swing 2

8:30 West Coast Swing Practice Social



6:15 Swing 1

7:00 Swing 2

7:45 One Step




6:15 Two Step 3

7:00 Two Step 2

7:45 Two Step 1




6:15 Salsa 1

7:00 Salsa 2


Group Class SEssions

January 6 - January 30
February 3 - February 27
March 3 - March 27
April 7 - May 1
May 5 - May 29
June 2 - June 26
July 7 - July 31
August 4 - August 28